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For example, save it as or Proofread. Read through your CV before sending it to an employer. Make sure you have replaced all the information from the template with your own, personalized information. Also, take the time to carefully proofread your CV, looking for any spelling errors or inconsistencies in the format. Ask a friend, family member, or career counselor to read through your CV as well. A polished CV will impress an employer while a careless error might work against you. Download a Curriculum Template This is a CV example. Download the CV template (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online) or see below for more examples. ©TheBalance 2018 Curriculum Vitae Sample (Text Version) Andy Academician 123 Highgate Towers, Apt. 3 Chicago, IL 60637 000. 123. 4567 (Cell) RESEARCH INTERESTS Victorian England, Literary Theory, Detective Fiction, Historical Fiction EDUCATION PhD in English Literature, 2014 – Northwestern University. Dissertation: Searching for Identity in Victorian Detective Fiction.

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