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Smoczy tron tad williams blog

There is something very appealing about the way in which these simple elements sit together. As the movement is going into effectively a new case, preparations extend only to cleaning out the interior of the case and removing any debris that may have adhered to the underside of the acrylic crystal in the 50 years its been sitting around unused. We will also need to swap the stem over from the gilt crown to the steel crown that came with the new case. Before setting off on that course though, let's take a gander at the super case back rendition of our celebrated Sea Lion: The blue colour around the periphery of the case back is the remnant of the blue film applied to new case backs. Swapping the stem over is straightforward because the lip on the stem defines its effective length rather than the point at which the threaded part is cut. In with the movement, a fresh case back gasket, greased crown gasket and we are almost there. Interestingly, the case back gasket is an o-ring rather than a flat gasket, the former supporting a degree of greater confidence in the water proofing of the case and perhaps one reason for the use of the Sea Lion branding in making some sort of distinction between this and other water proof dress watches.

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Sakral-chakra Svadhistana (Süße, Liebliche) Handbreit unter dem Bauchnabel orange Vam Wasser Ge-schmack Körperliche Emotionen, Lebenslust, Schaffenskraft, Sexualität 3. Solar-plexus-chakra Sonnen-geflecht Manipura (Leuchtender Juwel) Auf dem Solarplexus gelb Ram Feuer Sehen Gedanken, Glaubensmuster, Intellekt, Unterbewusstsein 4. Herz-chakra Anahata (Unbeschädigte) In der Mitte der Brust hell-grün Yam Luft Tasten Höhere Liebe, Hingabe, Mitgefühl, Herzensfreude 5. Hals-chakra Kehlkopf-chakra Vissudha (Reinigende) Auf dem Kehlkopf hellblau Ham Äther Hören Kommunikation, Höhere Wahrheit, Ausdruck von Weisheit und Individualität 6. Stirn-chakra Drittes Auge Ajna (Wahrnehmende) Zwischen den Augen-brauen violett Aum Zeit Sechster Sinn, höherer Verstand Öffnung zur und Ausdruck der Seele 7. Kronen-chakra Scheitel-chakra Sahasrara (Tausendfache) Über dem Scheitel weiss, trans-parent, mit leichten Violett- Anteilen Raum Göttliche Bestimmung und Verbindung für unsere Seele und unseren Körper Chakra-Symbole Jedem der Chakren (auch den Nebenchakren) ist seit Jahrhunderten ein bestimmtes Symbol bzw. Mandala zugeordnet.

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