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I'm good with my present stock of Hornady, but couldn't sit by and not buy more of them at this price! Use them in my Pacific like Rev Al does. Same caliber! 02-26-2018, 09:17 PM #12 You just can't EVER have enough. 02-26-2018, 09:34 PM #13 Love your rifle! (But of course I'm a bit biased... ) 02-26-2018, 11:12 PM #14 Boolit Master mm93 - dang! no matter what I have/get, you always outdo me with something odder/cooler/neater/older! Keep 'em coming! Love to see all the old stuff. AND know who the Go To is for answers! 02-26-2018, 11:45 PM #15 Originally Posted by oscarflytyer That Pacific didn't look so pretty when I bought it Oscar! It was all coated in a yellowish brown coat of some sort. Varnish maybe? Took about 7 hours of carefully rubbing all the metal with acetone and a soft rag to remove the gunk. Underneath was a beautifully preserved original Ballard Pacific! I thought it might be good underneath since the wood finish was perfect, and bore looked like new! 03-07-2018, 02:30 PM #16 Thanks for the heads-up, Vall!

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Disclaimer The British Council and the examining boards take all reasonable steps to provide continuity of service. We feel sure you will understand, however, that we cannot be held responsible for any interruptions caused by circumstances beyond our control. If examinations or their results are disrupted, cancelled or delayed, every effort will be made to resume normal service as soon as possible. The British Council's liability will be limited to the refund of the registration fee or retesting at a later date.

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Lord Wellington, después de derrotar a Napoleón en Waterloo, donde decenas de miles de soldados yacían muertos en el campo de batalla, afirmó: "Sólo puedo imaginar algo peor que ganar la guerra: perderla". No fue un comentario muy alentador ni una estrategia prometedora. En segundo lugar, utilizar a los competidores como forma de definir nuestras acciones nos deja en el pasado. Este es un enfoque que parece ser contraproducente en un tiempo de cambio revolucionario cuando queremos crear discontinuidad, en lugar de reafirmar viejas prácticas. ¿Es esto lo que buscamos en el entorno turbulento actual, cuando el cambio es casi obligatorio? Debemos desafiar nuestro estado comercial previo. Debemos tener la capacidad de ser creativos y separarnos de la manada, para encontrar una nueva forma de hacer negocios. A menudo, las empresas parecen obsesionarse con la competencia, estudiando y analizándola de manera intensa para detectar todo lo que pueda mostrar una manera de operar de forma más efectiva.

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