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Matlab Special Characters

  1. Matlab remove special characters from string
  2. Microsoft special characters codes
  3. Microsoft special characters
  4. Unix special characters

Three or more periods before the end of a line cause MATLAB to ignore the remaining text on the current line and continue the function on the next line. This effectively makes a comment out of anything on the current line that follows the three periods. See Entering Long Statements for more information., Comma. Used to separate matrix subscripts and function arguments. Used to separate statements in multistatement lines. For multistatement lines, the comma can be replaced by a semicolon to suppress printing. ; Semicolon. Used inside brackets to end rows. Used after an expression or statement to suppress printing or to separate statements. : Colon. Create vectors, array subscripting, and for loop iterations. See colon (:) for details. % Percent. The percent symbol denotes a comment; it indicates a logical end of line. Any following text is ignored. MATLAB displays the first contiguous comment lines in a M-file in response to a help command.! Exclamation point. Indicates that the rest of the input line is issued as a command to the operating system.

Matlab remove special characters from string

If V has m components and W has n components, then A(V, W) is the m-by- n matrix formed from the elements of A whose subscripts are the elements of V and W. For example, A([1, 5], :) = A([5, 1], :) interchanges rows 1 and 5 of A. = Used in assignment statements. B = A stores the elements of A in B. == is the relational equals operator. Se e the Relational Operators page. ' Matrix transpose. X' is the complex conjugate transpose of X. X. ' is the nonconjugate transpose. Q uotation mark. 'any text' is a vector whose components are t he ASCII codes for the characters. A quotation mark within the text is indicated by two quotation marks.. Decimal point. 314/100, 3. 14 and. 314e1 are all the same. Element-by-element operations. These are obtained using. *,. ^,. /, or. \. See the Arithmetic Operators page.. Field access. A. (field) and A(i), when A is a structure, access the contents of field... Parent directory. See cd.... Continuation. Three or more points at the end of a line indicate continuation., Comma.

MATLAB environment behaves like a super-complex calculator. You can enter commands at the >> command prompt. MATLAB is an interpreted environment. In other words, you give a command and MATLAB executes it right away. Hands on Practice Type a valid expression, for example, 5 + 5 And press ENTER When you click the Execute button, or type Ctrl+E, MATLAB executes it immediately and the result returned is − ans = 10 Let us take up few more examples − 3 ^ 2% 3 raised to the power of 2 ans = 9 Another example, sin(pi /2)% sine of angle 90 o ans = 1 7/0% Divide by zero ans = Inf warning: division by zero 732 * 20. 3 ans = 1. 4860e+04 MATLAB provides some special expressions for some mathematical symbols, like pi for π, Inf for ∞, i (and j) for √-1 etc. Nan stands for 'not a number'. Use of Semicolon (;) in MATLAB Semicolon (;) indicates end of statement. However, if you want to suppress and hide the MATLAB output for an expression, add a semicolon after the expression. For example, x = 3; y = x + 5 y = 8 Adding Comments The percent symbol (%) is used for indicating a comment line.

Microsoft special characters codes

You do need to use two single quotes ('') in place of the apostrophe in your input string. If tStr is obtained with the function input(), or something similar, this will procedure will still work. Edited: Or using regular expressions: regexprep(tStr, '([[\]{}()=''. (), ;:%%{%}! @])', '\\$1') answered Mar 18 '13 at 21:25 Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged matlab or ask your own question.

What if we want to know how much area is under the curve f(x) = x^3; from 0 to 10, from -10 to 10, from -10 to 0? >> int(x^3, 0, 10) 2500 >> int(x^3, -10, 10) >> int(x^3, -10, 0) -2500 Summations You can use Matlab to tell you the sum of a series of equations, such as: 1 + 1/2^2 + 1/3^2 + 1/4^2 +... + 1/N^2 From N = 1 to inf (or from value1 to value2) >> syms x k >> s1 = symsum(1/k^2, 1, inf) s1 = 1/6*pi^2 >> s2 = symsum(x^k, k, 0, inf) s2 = -1/(x-1) Mathematical Limits Every wonder what happens if you divide infinity by infinity? Well depending on how those values were created, you can get some interesting results. For example, what is the limit of x/ x*x as X approaches infinity? >> limit( 1 / x)% with no params, by definition, as x approaches 0 NaN >> limit(x / x^2, inf)% as x approaches inf >> limit(sin(x) / x)% as x approaches 0 ans =???? Expand Function The expand function will "expand" a formula by doing basic symbolic math where possible. syms x; >> f1 = (x+5)*(x+5); f1 = (x+5)^2 >> expand(f1) x^2+10*x+25 Simplify Function When you have a complex evaluated symbolic expression, such as: (sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2), you can use the simplify function to ask matlab to try and simplify it to a less complex term: simplify(sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2) 1 "Pretty" Printing Symbolic Functions When you want to print a symbolic function to make it easier for the user of the program to read, you can use the "pretty" function.

Microsoft special characters

Greek Letters and Special Characters in Chart Text You can add text to a chart that includes Greek letters and special characters using TeX markup. You also can use TeX markup to add superscripts, subscripts, and modify the text type and color. By default, MATLAB ® supports a subset of TeX markup. To use additional special characters, such as integral and summation symbols, you can use LaTeX markup instead. This example shows how to insert Greek letters, superscripts, and annotations into chart text and explains other available TeX options. Include Greek Letters Create a simple line plot and add a title. Include the Greek letter π in the title by using the TeX markup \pi. x = linspace(0, 2*pi); y = sin(x); plot(x, y) title( 'x ranges from 0 to 2\pi') Include Superscripts and Annotations Create a line plot and add a title and axis labels to the chart. Display a superscript in the title using the ^ character. The ^ character modifies the character immediately following it. Include multiple characters in the superscript by enclosing them in curly braces {}.

I am trying to add '\' before all special characters in a string in MATLAB, could anyone please help me out. Here is the example: tStr = 'Hi, I'm a Big (Not So Big) MATLAB addict; Since my school days! '; I want this string to be changed to: 'Hi\, I\'m a Big \(Not so Big \) MATLAB addict\; Since my school days\! ' Justin 4, 499 2 gold badges 30 silver badges 53 bronze badges asked Mar 18 '13 at 20:46 user2183990 user2183990 41 1 gold badge 1 silver badge 2 bronze badges The escape character in Matlab is the single quote ('), not the backslash (\), like in C language. Thus, your string must be like this: tStr = 'Hi\, I\''m a Big (Not so Big) MATLAB addict\; Since my school days! ' answered Mar 18 '13 at 21:06 tashuhka tashuhka 4, 364 3 gold badges 38 silver badges 60 bronze badges I took the list of special charecters defined on the Mathworks webpage to do this: special = '[]{}()=''. ()....., ;:%%{%}! @'; tStr = 'Hi, I''m a Big (Not So Big) MATLAB addict; Since my school days! '; outStr = ''; for l = tStr if (length(find(special == l)) > 0) outStr = [outStr, '\', l]; else outStr = [outStr, l]; end which will automatically add those \s.

Unix special characters

Here is an example: f = sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2; pretty( f) 2 2 sin(x) + cos(x) "Taylor" Command If you would like to create a taylor series, you can use the "taylor" function. >> f = taylor(log(1+x)) x-1/2*x^2+1/3*x^3-1/4*x^4+1/5*x^5 Known Bad Variable Names A few years ago Matlab "upgraded" their symbolic library. When they did so they, "broke" the ability to use any arbitrary variable name. For example, the symbol D (capitol D) is invalid in some cases. For example: int('A*x^3+B*x^2+C*x+D') Warning: Explicit integral could not be found. int(C*x + A*x^3 + B*x^2 + D, x)% BUT syms A B C D x int(A*x^3+B*x^2+C*x+D) (A*x^4)/4 + (B*x^3)/3 + (C*x^2)/2 + D*x To fix this problem, append an _ (underscore) to the variable The following symbols are known

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For the use of [ and] on the left of an " = " in multiple assignment statements, see lu, eig, svd, and so on. {} Curly braces are used in cell array assignment statements. For example, A(2, 1) = {[1 2 3; 4 5 6]}, or A{2, 2} = ('str'). See help paren for more information about {}. () Parentheses are used to indicate precedence in arithmetic expressions in the usual way. They are used to enclose arguments of functions in the usual way. They are also used to enclose subscripts of vectors and matrices in a manner somewhat more general than usual. If X and V are vectors, then X(V) is [X(V(1)), X(V(2)),..., X(V(n))]. The components of V must be integers to be used as subscripts. An error occurs if any such subscript is less than 1 or greater than the size of X. Some examples are X(3) is the third element of X. X([1 2 3]) is the first three elements of X. See help paren for more information about (). If X has n components, X(n: - 1:1) reverses them. The same indirect subscripting works in matrices.

Remember, you have to enter a string as input, not a numerical vector. So you'll use your decoding routine with something like encoded = '... ' ROT13 ROT-13 is an encoding easily decodable. It's often used on usenet groups when someone wants to post a text that should not be retrieved through search engines, or for posting things that might offend some readers, or spoilers. It replaces each English letter with the one 13 places forward or back along the alphabet. A major advantage of rot13 is that it is self-inverse, so the same code can be used for encoding and decoding. This is a possible approach in Matlab:% Place your string here = 'your message here'% Find indices of letters that need a +13 ix1 find(65 <= m & m <= 77 | 97 <= m & m <= 109);% Find indices of letters that need a -13 ix2 find(78 <= m & m <= 90 | 110 <= m & m <= 122);% Replace letters m(ix1) = m(ix1) + 13; m(ix2) = m(ix2) - 13;% Display encoding = char(m) The result in this case is: lbhe zrffntr urer From 'ASCII Chart' to home From 'ASCII Chart' to Fun!

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