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Find Products/Services Conduct Research Products/Services for Thyristor SITH Thyristors - Description. Thyristors are a class of four-layer (PNPN) semiconductor devices that act as switches, rectifiers, or voltage regulators. When triggered, thyristors turn on and become low-resistance current paths and remain so, even after the trigger... Thyristor Type IC Package Type Pin Count Thyristor Surge Suppressors Thyristor surge suppressors are semiconductor chips used to protect circuits and devices from over-voltage and over-current. A thyristor surge suppressor protects electronic equipment and sensitive audio and video devices from damaging power... Gate Turn-off (GTO) Thyristors Gate turn-off thyristors (GTOs) are four-layer PNPN devices that act as switches, rectifiers, and voltage regulators. Like other thyristors, GTOs can be turned on by the application of a positive gate signal (g > 0); however, unlike other more... Quadracs Quadracs are a special type of thyristor which combines a diac and a triac in a single package.

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Dalo is a traditional staple in many tropical areas of the world, and is the base for making poi in Hawaii. The plant is actually inedible when raw because of needle-shaped members in the plant cells. Severe gastrointestinal distress can occur if the plant is improperly prepared for consumption. To prepare dalo for cooking in a lovo, simply wash, peel, and slice. You may wish to oil your hands or wear gloves before peeling the dalo, as it may irritate your skin otherwise. Cassava [ edit] Cassava is called mandioca, aipim, or macaxeira in Portuguese, mandio in Guaraní, maniok in Afrikaans and Rotuman, yuca or mandioca in Spanish, mogho in Gujarati, 'tapioka' in Fijian, kappa or maracheeni in Malayalam, singkong or ubi kayu in Indonesian, tugi in Ilocano, balinghoy in Tagalog, maniok in German, Danish and Czech, manyok in Haitian Creole, lumu in Kichwa, manioc in French, mannyokka in Sinhala, and khoai mì, khoai sắn in Vietnamese. Yams [ edit] Tongan farmer showing off his prize yams In the southern United States, sweet potatoes are often referred to as yams, but these two plants are distinct from one another.