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-¿Estar de buen humor ayuda? -No sé si alcanza. Requiere un espacio mental dedicado a eso. Un momento en que digas: "Bueno, ahora soy Humor Petiso". Y también un lugar: mi estudio. El "altillo" de mi casa. Me paso gran parte del día encerrado ahí. Debe de ser por eso que hago tantos chistes de preso, de náufragos. -También hay varios de pareja. O, mejor dicho, de desencuentros de pareja. -Claro, hay chistes de amor y chistes de pareja, que no son lo mismo (risas). Me interesan las relaciones de poder independientemente del género que tengan y más allá de si son marido y mujer, o jefe y empleado. -Cuando terminás un cuadrito lo subís a tu Facebook y recibís miles de "me gusta". ¿Cómo es esa interacción? ¿Cada tanto aparece alguno que quiere dar la nota? -Sí. Y no me hago problema. Si se pone pesado lo bloqueo. Ya tengo más de tres mil bloqueados. -¿Te das cuenta de que sólo quiere molestar? -Sí. Y porque yo lo he hecho también. En su momento a Liniers lo volvía loco. Y la verdad no se entendía porque él siempre tuvo la mejor conmigo.

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Włącz ciemny motyw, który jest przyjemnieszy dla oczu podczas nocy. Włącz jasny motyw, który jest przyjemniejszy dla oczu podczas dnia.

Incluso en el hermético Reino Unido, esos que dijeron 'bye-bye' a Europa hace unos meses, una prestigiosa universidad está enseñando el 'hygge'. La plenitud de una vida más sencilla Llegados a este punto hagamos nuestro particular 'Manifiesto Hygge'. Sí, verás que, inmerso en esta espiral frenética que nos rodea, no cumples ni la mitad de los consejos de nuestros compis nórdicos. Aunque parezca fácil esto del 'hygge', no lo es. De hecho, lo que ellos proclaman como la actitud existencial correcta, consiste en reducir lo material, relajarse, sentirse como en casa, despojarse de las preocupaciones, crear un ambiente cálido y acogedor y, en fin, cuidarnos realmente bien. Atentos al decálogo 'hygge': Ambiente: Apaga las luces. Enciende una vela. Relax. Presencia: Disfruta del aquí y ahora. Apaga el móvil. Placer: toma café, chocolate, galletas, pasteles, dulces. Igualdad: vive el "nosotros" por encima del "yo". Comparte las tareas y el tiempo de disfrute. Gratitud: Disfrútalo. Este podría ser el mejor momento.

[3] He entered Parliament in 1702, remaining a member for fifty-four years. In 1715, when his brother, Sir Robert, became first lord of the treasury, he was made Secretary to the Treasury, and in 1716, having already had some experience of the kind, he went on a diplomatic mission to The Hague. He left office with his brother in 1717, but he was soon in harness again, becoming secretary to the lord-lieutenant of Ireland in 1720 and Secretary to the Treasury a second time in 1721. [2] In 1722 he was again at The Hague, and in 1723 he went to Paris, where in the following year he was appointed envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary. He got on intimate terms with Fleury and seconded his brother in his efforts to maintain friendly relations with France; he represented Great Britain at the congress of Soissons and helped to conclude the treaty of Seville (November 1729). He left Paris in 1730 and in 1734 went to represent his country at The Hague, where he remained until 1740, using all his influence in the cause of European peace.

[5] That same year, she made her film debut in The Summer of Our Graduation, playing Xiao Xia. [6] In 2009, Zhang co-starred with Ming Dao in the television series Smile in My Heart and won the Best Popularity Award at the Entertainment Star List. [7] [8] Zhang starred as Zhang Xiaorou, reuniting her with co-star Lan Cheng Long, in the 2010 romance series Strands of Love. [9] She also acted in the shenmo television series Ghost Catcher - Legend of Beauty and modern drama From Love. [10] [11] In 2011, Zhang starred in the historical romance drama Allure Snow, she received positive reviews. [12] She also starred in the period drama Mother's Love, [13] and had a supporting role in the remake of My Fair Princess. [14] In 2012, Zhang starred in the palace-themed drama Palace II. [15] The same year, she starred in the metropolitan drama City Lover. [16] In 2013, Zhang starred as Wu Susu in the historical drama The Patriot Yue Fei, alongside Huang Xiaoming. [17] She also starred in modern romance drama Flowers of Pinellia Ternata and war drama The Ultimate Conquest.

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Instead, they had to watch as the Royal couple's new friends such as Oprah Winfrey and George Clooney made their way to the event. He is believed to have advised Harry and Meghan to live together before 'doing anything more serious'. A source close to Duke and Duchess of Sussex told the book's authors that although his advice 'came from a good place, ' Prince Harry 'didn't totally see it that way' It is believed that Skippy, who lives in Washington DC and works at US tech giant Afiniti, have since reconciled after the death of his mother-in-law last year following severe mental health problems. Skippy was one of those in Las Vegas in 2012 when Harry was infamously caught playing naked billiards with showgirls in a hotel suite. And he was also with the Prince when he was seen inhaling 'hippy crack' - or laughing gas - at another party. Pictured: Harry and Skippy at the 2013 wedding of James Meade and Lady Laura Marsham Harry acted as an usher at Skippy's wedding to literary agent Lara in Jamaica back in 2017, when Meghan made one of her first appearances with the Prince.

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