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In Java version 1. 5 or later the following methods are built-in letting you avoid much low-level bit fiddling: e. g. Integer. highestOneBit, lowestOneBit, numberOfLeadingZeros, numberOfTrailingZeros, bitCount, rotateLeft, rotateRight, reverse, signum and reverseBytes.. 5 < > <= >= instanceof oddly instanceof is considered an operator, even though it cannot operate on expressions. 6 ==! = == is for comparison.! = means not equal. = is for assignment. Pascal's <> not equal will not work. == and! = work on booleans too, often saving a forest of if/elses. 7 & Bitwise AND masking mostly for for ints. 8 ^ XOR ( e x clusive OR) for ints. It is the difference operator. It is true if the boolean operands are different, e. false ^ false == false false ^ true == true true ^ false == true true ^ true == false It is useful in cryptography because of this magic property of encryption and decryption with a random scrambler number. long encrypted = message ^ scrambler; long decryped = encrypted ^ scrambler; If you XOR twice with the scrambler, you get right back where you started.

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I will inform you now, the tabs are impossible to hold on with glue. Even steel reinforced two-part epoxy was no match for the horrendous design flaw these laptops possess. I then tried to search for a replacement part. Either the part that broke itself, or the keyboard entirely. I don't want to toot my own horn, but I've found the only thing in the world that you cannot buy online. So, I tried contacting Acer itself, hoping to buy the part directly from them. Only to be informed that the part was unavailable, but that I could pay upwards of $100 to send it in and get repaired. I'm not sure if you noticed, but that's well over half the price of the entire laptop. I'd also like to mention that my previous laptop, the s1002, broke in the exact same way. I can guarantee you, that as a "financially conscious" geek, I take very very good care of my possessions (Especially when they cost $180+). Which tells me, either Acer has yet to learn from its failures, or they're intentionally making these laptops with such a massive design flaw.

Just like dominant chords, minor's are also very flexible chords. Once you look at chords on a high level you begin to understand that a piano chord tutorial is also a piano melody tutorial. That's because chords, scales, and melodies are so closely related. Now we're cooking with fire! Tip #5: Oh Those Are Powerful Slash chords, are yet another excellent tool you can use to harmonize your melodies. You'll really enjoy the added color you can pull out of slash chords! If you're new to slash chords then check out this intro tutorial to slash chords right here. Tip #6: Don't Forget About These Guys Another powerful chord type that we didn't get a chance to discuss in the video are diminished chords. If you want to add a lot of suspense and tension to your harmonized melody notes then diminished chords are a great choice. With diminished chords you're flatting your 3rd and 5th. So, take a plain C triad – (C E G) Now, flat the 3rd and 5th. (C E G) becomes (C Eb Gb). Listen to how when flatting those voices the chord takes on a suspenseful feeling.

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No dejes que la presentación cercana y divertida de este libro te lleve a pasar por alto que estás ante una de las obras maestras de la espiritualidad moderna. Sinopsis de LA DESAPARICION DEL UNIVERSO Ficha técnica Editorial: EL GRANO DE MOSTAZA Encuadernación: Tapa blanda Plaza de edición: Barcelona, España Traductor: MIGUEL IRIBARREN Opiniones sobre LA DESAPARICION DEL UNIVERSO ¡Solo por opinar entras en el sorteo mensual de tres tarjetas regalo de 20€! 8 /10 Basado en 6 comentarios Aire 16/06/2015 Tapa blanda Leer este libro marcó un punto de inflexión en mi vida. Es, junto con UCDM, lo más inspirador que he leído en mi vida. Para mí, tras leer este libro, ha habido un antes y un después. Sin embargo, lo importante no es únicamente leer lo que dice, sino practicar esas ideas. Es una práctica que libera. Agni José Luis Artacho Guerrero 28/02/2015 Tapa blanda Gracias a éste libro sé manejarme por las intrincadas páginas de Un Curso de Milagros, que es, digámoslo así, la obra espiritual más revolucionaria de los últimos tiempos, culmen de toda la sabiduría y pilar fundamental para entender lo que parece ser nuestra existencia.

Macbeth adesso ha realizzato la sua ambizione: essendo i figli accusati di omicidio e Macbeth il parente piu' prossimo del re, viene incoronato re. Da quel momento la sua anima e'logorata dai rimorsi e dalla paura di essere scoperto, non riuscirà più a dormire e la sua mente sarà sempre piena di pensieri sull'omicidio compiuto, e le sue azioni volte a cercare di nasconderlo, e chiunque sospetta di lui diventerà un suo nemico. Il primo nemico e' Banquo, che avendo assistito alla profezia, ha visto piantare i semi dell'ambizione in Macbeth, e lo aveva messo in guardia dal 'non perdere onore nel tentativo di acquisirne', inoltre le streghe avevano promesso a Macbeth una corona infeconda, in quanto non i suoi figli ma quelli di Banquo, sarebbero diventati re, secondo la profezia. Macbeth ordina, quindi, di uccidere Banquo e suo figlio Fleance: il primo viene ucciso, ma il ragazzo riesce a scappare. La sera stesso, durante un banchetto, il fantasma di banquo compare a Macbeth e lo tormenta, di fronte a tutti gli ospiti e alla incredula moglie che, come tutti gli altri, non puo' vedere lo spirito poiche' questo si manifesta solo a Macbeth.

(Tayfun Coskun/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images) Videos on social media showed a chaotic scene after nightfall, as crowds seemed to chase a man carrying a rifle down the street, before eventually knocking him to the ground and trying to grab his weapon, Reuters reported. A bloodied man was seen with what appeared to be a serious arm wound. Another video showed a man with a head injury as crowds gathered around him to treat him. The damage in Kenosha includes many burned-out cars. (Fox News) Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers, a Democrat, had called for calm earlier Tuesday, while also declaring a state of emergency under which he doubled the National Guard deployment in Kenosha from 125 to 250. The night before, crowds destroyed dozens of buildings and set more than 30 fires in the city's downtown. "We cannot allow the cycle of systemic racism and injustice to continue, " said Evers, who has been facing mounting pressure from Republicans over his handling of the unrest. "We also cannot continue going down this path of damage and destruction. "

"Jesus, you're hot. This is so hot. " I don't believe this! He says hot the whole time too! He should so have sex with Debs. Oh. No. Obviously he shouldn't have sex with Debs. Erase that thought. Suddenly I realize I'm about three steps behind on the whole foreplay thing, not to mention the sex talk. But Eric doesn't even seem to have noticed. "Lexi, sweetheart? " he murmurs breathily, right in my ear. "Yes? " I whisper back, wondering if he's about to say "I love you. " "Are you comfortable with me putting my penis into your" Uurk! Before I can stop myself, I've pushed him off me and rolled away. Oops. I didn't mean to shove quite so hard. "What's wrong? " Eric sits up in alarm. "Lexi! What happened? Are you okay? Did you have a flashback? " "No. " I bite my lip. "I'm sorry. I just suddenly felt a " "I knew it. I knew we were rushing things. " Eric sighs and takes both my hands. "Lexi, talk to me. Why weren't you comfortable? Was it because of some... traumatic memory resurfacing? " Oh God.


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