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Jeff Sutherland

1436 palabras 6 páginas Historia clínica Datos generales Nombre: Maria Tomasa Hernandez Edad: 52 Sexo: femenino Raza: Mestiza Lugar y Fecha de nacimiento: Santiago, La Paz, 24 de Enero de 1960 Lugar de Residencia: Bosques de Jucutuma, Bloque C7, # 33. SPS Nacionalidad: Hondureña Religión: catolica Escolaridad: Segundo Grado (primaria incompleta) Estado civil: divorciada Ocupación: Ama de casa Fecha de ingreso: 17 de agosto de 2012 Cama y Sala: 13, general de mujeres Fecha: 23 de agosto de 2012, 15:45 # expediente:1269731 Historiador: Mharian Khatib HEA SP: Disnea y Tos Paciente con diagnostico de insuficiencia cardiaca derecha e hipertencion arterial desde hace 4 años de evolucion tratada …ver más… Enfermedades del adulto: Refiere: HEA y episodio de Neumonia. Niega: paludismo, hepatitis, asma, cáncer, dislipidemia, ITS, epilepsia, tuberculosis, fiebre tifoidea, diarrea frecuente. Antecedentes Ginecológicos y Obstétricos Menarquia: 14 Menopausia: 38 Gestas: 2 Cesareas: 2 Partos:0 Hijos: 2 Vivos:1 Muertos:1 Antecedentes Personales Hospitalarios, Traumáticos y Quirúrgicos: Enero del 2009, Hospital Mario Catarino Rivas, durante 4 dias Dx cardiopatía.

Jeff sutherland scrum books

ejecutable Publicado por Dario (1 intervención) el 28/12/2004 01:02:45 Necesito saber como crear ejecutables con que me pueda contestar le agradesco. Valora esta pregunta 0 RE:ejecutable Publicado por bvc666 (1 intervención) el 02/01/2005 18:04:09 oe el lab original 7. 0 esta en el emule 1. 69gb comprimidos, q yo se pa puedes hacer ejecutables en versiones originales y ese q te digo si lo es buscalo suerte feil año Valora esta respuesta 0

Jeff Sutherland (* June, 20 1941) is one of the creators of the Scrum, a framework for developing, delivering, and sustaining complex products. [1] Together with Ken Schwaber, he presented Scrum at OOPSLA '95. Sutherland contributed to the creation of the Agile Manifesto in 2001. Along with Ken Schwaber, he wrote and maintains The Scrum Guide, which contains the official definition of the framework. [1] Military career [ edit] Sutherland is a graduate of the United States Military Academy. [2] After 11 years in the military he became a doctor at the University of Colorado School of Medicine [ citation needed]. Here he got involved in data collection and IT systems development. [3] IT career [ edit] Jointly with Yosi Amram, Sutherland developed NewsPage at, one of the first publishers of news on the internet. The news engine used a lexical parsing system. [4] Scrum is a framework for enabling business agility at scale across an entire organization. [5] A meeting which was influenced by the Agile Manifesto.

[19] Additionally, he was appointed a senior advisor to OpenView Venture Partners 2007 for a short period in that year. [20] Bibliography [ edit] Books [ edit] Sutherland, Jeff; Schwaber, Ken (May 1, 2012). Software in 30 Days: How Agile Managers Beat the Odds, Delight Their Customers, and Leave Competitors in the Dust (1st ed. ). Wiley. p. 216. ISBN 978-1118206669. Sutherland, Jeff; Sutherland, J. J. (September 30, 2014). Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time (1st ed. Currency. p. 256. ISBN 9780385346450. Sutherland, Jeff; Complein, James (August 2019). A Scrum Book: The Spirit of the Game (1st ed. Pragmatic Programmers. p. 572. ISBN 978-1118206669. Selected Articles [ edit] Schwaber, Ken; Sutherland, Jeff; Patel, D. ; Casanave, C. (1997). "Scrum Development Process" (PDF). OOPSLA Business Object Design and Implementation Workshop: 117–134. doi: 10. 1007/978-1-4471-0947-1_11. ISBN 978-3-540-76096-2. Retrieved 12 September 2020. Rigby, Darrell; Sutherland, Jeff (May 2018).

[11] The team consists of three specific accountabilities, the Product Owner, the Developers and the Scrum Master. [12] The team then works through three phases - a pre-sprint planning, the sprint and then a post-sprint meeting. [14] The group has daily meetings and keeps a Product Backlog. [15] In contributing to the book The Secrets of Happy Families, Sutherland modified the Agile approach to family interactions. [16] Sutherland has been quoted as saying the three distinguishing factors between Scrum teams and normal teams are self-management, continuity of team membership, and dedication to a single project. [17] Clarification of user needs is an essential component. Sutherland said no coding should occur while user needs were in doubt, and is quoted as saying "It is better for the developers to be surfing than writing code that won't be needed". [18] Sutherland has also been quoted as saying that Scrum should run with software architecture. [9] Sutherland is the founder and principal consultant at Scrum, Inc in Boston, Massachusetts, currently lead by his son, JJ Sutherland as the CEO.

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Advances in Computers: Emerging Technologies. 73: 32. ISBN 9780080880310. ^ Sims, Peter (2011). Little Bets: How breakthrough ideas emerge from small discoveries. Random House. p. 85. ISBN 9781409038030. ^ a b Coplien, James O. (2011). Lean Architecture: for Agile Software Development. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 9780470970133. ^ a b Armour, Phillip G. (2004). The Laws of Software Process: A New Model for the Production and Management of Software. p. 112. ISBN 9780203505649. ^ a b McQuarrie, Gray (2010). Change Your Dam Thinking. Bound Publishing. p. 133. ISBN 9780986723308. ^ a b Larman, Craig (2008). Scaling Lean & Agile Development: Thinking and Organizational Tools for Large-Scale Scrum. Pearson Education. ISBN 9780321617149. ^ Woodward, Elizabeth (2010). A Practical Guide to Distributed Scrum. ISBN 9780137061365. ^ Rico, David F. (2007). Effects of Agile Methods on Website Quality for Electronic Commerce. ISBN 9780549764946. ^ Kroll, Per (2006). Agility and Discipline Made Easy: Practices from OpenUP and RUP.

[6] Sutherland is quoted as saying the "systems development process is an unpredictable and complicated process that can only roughly be described as an overall progression". [7] The scrum process was developed by Sutherland, John Scumniotales and Jeff McKenna while at Easel Corporation and influenced by agile software development. The principle was based on a 1986 article by Hirotaka Takeuchi and Ikujiro Nonaka in the Harvard Business Review, [8] and incorporates practices from a draft study published in Dr. Dobb's Journal. [9] It involves 30-day cycles of plan, build and monitor sprints. [10] The name Scrum was chosen in reference to the rugby scrummage, [10] as the system involves "a cross-functional team" who "huddle together to create a prioritized list". [11] Scrum has been used by several major corporations. [12] Sutherland has claimed that distributed teams coached to use the system can make large productivity increases against the industry average. [13] Scrum principle [ edit] Scrum involves a cross-functional team creating a list to work on.

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