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El Arte De Contar Cuentos Pdf

En la actualidad, el conocimiento se ha convertido en un factor de producción fundamental para incrementar la productividad, la rentabilidad y la competitividad de empresas, ramas productivas, sectores económicos y países, por lo que es necesario fomentar su crecimiento y desarrollo que permita mejorar las condiciones de vida de la gente y que nos encamine a la sociedad del conocimiento y a la sustentabilidad. José Silvestre Méndez Morales Catedrático de licenciatura y posgrado Investigador de la División de Investigación Facultad de Contaduría y Administración Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

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Certify and Increase Opportunity. Be Govt. Certified Marketing Manager Market Offering Market offerings are some combination of products, services, information, or experiences offered to a market to satisfy consumer needs or wants. Market offerings are not just limited to physical products; they can also include services such as intangible like activities or benefits offered for sale, but have no ownership. Examples of service market offerings may include: Banking Airline services Medical Hotel stays Taxi or bus services Home repair Shaping the Market Offering explores three important themes: Managing products and services; Creating new products; and Developing pricing strategies. Essentially there are two key components in a product offer – a package which is offered for sale at a stated price. Pricing is a sensitive concern that in the customer's eyes reflects perceived value in the offering and that must deliver a long-term sustainable competitive advantage to the supplier. In highly competitive markets, customers exert considerable influence on the packages that companies bring to market.

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