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Chrono Cross Guide

Reviewed in the United States on March 26, 2017 Verified Purchase I was very worried when I read all the reviews and they were all for the screenplay. I already have the screenplay AND have seen the movie but have been waiting for the re-release of the actual Fantastic Beasts encyclopedia. Thank goodness it was exactly what I was hoping for! This book introduces all the different magical beasts and gives you different information about them. It is a great companion book to help better appreciate the movie! The hard cover is beautiful and the pages even have a glossy feel. I only paid $7 for it and feel it is definitely worth more with how nice of a quality the actual book is. I haven't read any of it yet but will update after I do! Reviewed in the United States on March 15, 2017 Verified Purchase Just a heads up! This is NOT the screenplay. This book is the literal "guide" to the beasts "written" by Newt Scamander. This book is a very short, cute guide to all the beasts and includes a few doodles of the beasts as wel.

Chrono cross ign guide

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Chrono cross guide book

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