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Fiero's system is considered easier to use than the folk-phonetic style, in which the spelling of words differs from person to person. An example of the difference between folk-phonetic style and Fiero's system is as follows: Action conveyed: "He/She is dreaming. " Folk-phonetic style: Buh-waa-jih-gay. Fiero's system: Bawaajige. Using Fiero's double-vowel system, some vowel sounds may be long (aa, e, ii, oo) and some may be short (a, i, o), and the delivery of each sound can greatly alter the meaning. For example, zaaga'igan means "lake, " whereas the similarly-spelled zaga'igan means "nail. " Speaking the Language Traditional knowledge holders share that the language was originally created by Nanaboozhoo (sometimes spelled Nanabozo, also called Wenaboozhoo and Nanabush) after Gizhe Manidoo gave him life, lowered him to the Earth, and gave him the responsibility to name everything in existence. By means of Nanaboozhoo's task, Anishinaabemowin was born and spoken into existence. Elders often speak about the importance of Anishinaabemowin to Anishinaabe culture and society.

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Diccionario de sinónimos y antónimos © 2005 Espasa-Calpe: amargura aflicción, disgusto, pena, sufrimiento, tormento, tristeza, desconsuelo, desengaño, dolor, pesadumbre, pesar, sinsabor, tribulación Antónimos: alegría, dicha, placer ' amargura ' aparece también en las siguientes entradas: Preguntas en los foros con la(s) palabra(s) 'amargura' en el título: Traducciones: Francés | Portugués | Italiano | Alemán | Holandés | Sueco | Polaco | Rumano | Checo | Griego | Turco | Chino | Japonés | Coreano | Árabe | Inglés

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