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Telekompensu Angola

Snažím se plnit důležité cíle, udržet obohacující vztahy, nepáchat křivdy a vůbec dávat životu nějaký smysl. Často jdu od chyby k chybě. Někdy jen bezmocně koukám, jak vyšší moc s pobaveným úsměvem znehodnocuje vše, co jsem doposud vykonal. Přesto po chvíli slabosti potlačím lítost a začnu znovu. V podvědomí totiž cítím, že za dalších dvacet let budu nakonec více zklamaný z toho, co jsem neudělal, než z toho, co jsem udělal. Marek Chlíbek - Dago

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I strongly suggest buying the version of the book with CD-ROM and 8 audio CDs (the one which costs $89). The audio CDs contain quite big amount of listening and speaking exercises. One more thing: in my view, the most difficult part of the TOEFL iBT is speaking. Prepare well for it by recording yourself and paying attention to time. Attached CD-ROM with a program that simulates the test is very helpful here. Not only here, actually - it makes you feel comfortable with the test interface, which is important. Very useful book Published by User, 12 years ago Excellent book for preparing the famous TOEFL. So clear, many good excercises, very useful CD-ROM and after all, it so good to have the Cambridge support. the perfect READING and LISTENING prep Published by User, 14 years ago This book really helps you develop skills and specific ways of studying and expressing yourself even helps in expanding your awareness. Really helpful, really tidy step-by-step guide, makes me feel secure I got the tools for one other thing-- the CD is good, listening practices are perfect and everything, but I got a virus from it, from the file on my PC so I decided not to use the send-your-response-to-a-teacher feature there is no other way you can measure your speaking and writing skills before you go to TOEFL.

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