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Average rating 3. 71 · 189 ratings 18 reviews | Start your review of Recordar contraseña Reseña completa:... El libro es de tapa blanda y está dividido en cinco partes que juegan con el título del libro: "Lugar de nacimiento de tu madre", "Comida favorita", "El primer colegio al que fuiste", "Nombre de tu primera mascota" y "Nombre de tu mejor amigo en el colegio". Al final de todo aparecen pequeños relatos y microcuentos, algo ya característico de los libros del autor. Una vez más me ha encantado leer a Defreds. Su sencillez es la clave de todo.. El último libro de Defreds me ha resultado bastante más flojo que los anteriores. Dentro de la sencillez de su prosa poética esperaba encontrar una gran carga emocional. El título "Recordar Contraseña" es muy sugerente, invita a la retrospección y a volver la mirada hacia el pasado, pero el autor pasa de puntillas sobre este tema. En cuanto a la lectura, como siempre ágil y perfectamente escrito. Sin embargo, y en vista del mimo y cuidado que puso en su libro anterior "Sempiterno", este se me ha q.. (3, 75⭐️) Por fin puedo decir que he conectado de verdad con Defreds.

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One last thing before we finish our preliminary inquiries. Colin Dexter might have passed away in 2017, but his Hitchcockian delight in popping up when least expected in the television adaptations of his own creation has most definitely not been forgotten by Lewis and his team. Glimpsed as a real-life presence in the background of a number of scenes, as he so often was in both Morse and Lewis, Dexter's since been sighted as a most impressive bust in Harvest, as a regimental portrait at the army base in series five's Colours, and, most sweetly of all, as employee of the month at the rural train station in Passenger during that same run, to name only a few. It's classic Endeavour – a new angle on a beloved character, innovating while never forgetting all those who set the wheels in motion over thirty years ago. That's our part done, then. We'll be expecting your findings on our desk first thing. Now, if you don't mind, we'll be in the office with some Wagner and the Times crossword. The more things change, as they say…

I went into Burn for Burn knowing there were going to be supernatural elements, but I was honestly expecting all three girls to have some sort of powers from the get-go. In reality, the supernatural element comes into the end of Burn for Burn and Fire with Fire and takes up a large part of Ashes to Ashes. Which causes you have to have some ah-ha or ohhhhhhhhh moments when thinking about the first two books. While I didn't mind the supernatural so much, I didn't really like its direction in Ashes to Ashes because it controlled a lot of the plot and made me scared for everyone. Overall, the Burn for Burn trilogy is the perfect binge-worthy read, especially if you want to kick back with a high school drama type read. Have you read Burn for Burn? What are some of your favorite binge-worthy reads? Share in the comments!

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